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Criminal Defense

Criminal Defense – Your Rights at Stake

Regardless of your innocence or guilt, your rights are at stake when police are involved. Under the law, you are considered innocent until proven guilty. It sometimes appears to be the other way around, unfortunately. When you are charged with a crime, your rights become compromised, and you need someone who is well versed to protect you. From misdemeanors to felony charges, our criminal defense department is equipped to provide the security you need.  These types of cases may include:

Minimizing Consequences

When your freedom and your liberty are at stake, you cannot take any chances. Serving time in jail is one of many risks that can come with criminal charges. In cases where the dismissal of charges is no longer an option, our office makes a point to minimize the severity of the consequences. The resolution of your criminal case is often dependent on who represents you in Court. We proceed realistically with an order of operations. From Court supervision, to conditional discharge, to probation, our office is sensitive to minimizing the consequences as they apply to you.

Whether your concern relates to traveling–over state lines, or elsewhere–or whether your concern relates to your career, we will tailor the strategy of your case to your needs. Often times, the first offer will be a plea bargain or a charge bargain from the state or city attorney. We fight for the rights of our clients, and we apply creative solutions to minimize the negative consequences, if any. From minor drug or weapons charges to homicide offenses, our office represents criminal defendants with zealous advocacy. No matter the circumstances, it is never good for a criminal defendant to go unrepresented.

Schedule a free initial consultation today with a Pro Legal Care attorney to learn now to navigate the criminal charges you are facing.

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