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Talking Parents vs Our Family Wizard: Which Co-Parenting App Tops the Chart in 2024?

photo of a man talking on a cell phone from blog post titled Talking Parents vs Our Family Wizard

Navigating through the complexities of co-parenting can be challenging, but the right app can make a world of difference. With numerous options available, how do you choose the best one? In this comparison, we will explore the features, pricing, and user experiences of two leading co-parenting apps, Talking Parents vs Our Family Wizard. You’ll have a clearer understanding of which app is the best fit for your unique co-parenting situation.

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Comparing Key Features: Talking Parents vs Our Family Wizard

Finding the right co-parenting app requires careful consideration of its features and benefits. Talking Parents and Our Family Wizard are two popular choices, each with its distinct set of features designed to improve co-parenting relationships. As the only shared parenting app offering both secure messaging and communication, shared calendars, and expense tracking, these apps cater to the unique needs of co-parenting families.

However, differences in their offerings might influence your decision. We’ll examine their key features below.

Messaging, Phone Call, and Video Call Features

Messaging and communication are at the heart of any co-parenting app, and both Talking Parents and Our Family Wizard offer text messaging and communication features. The primary differences between the two communications options are the availability of call recording, and the restrictions of minutes allowed for calls per month.

Talking Parents offers a feature called Accountable Calling, which allows for phone call and video calls with recordings and transcripts, for up to 120 monthly calling minutes with the $24.99/month Premium plan with more minutes available for purchase.

Our Family Wizard offers unlimited phone and video calling with their $18/month Premium plan, however the recording features are described as “coming soon” as of January of 2024. Our Family Wizard currently offers documentation of video and audio calls with details such as dates, times, and in-call activities (such as who initiates the call and whether anybody on the call has turned off their camera). Our Family Wizard calls can only be placed if both parents using the app have consented to the calling feature.

Our Family Wizard also integrates ToneMeter, a feature that checks the level of emotion in your text communications, to promote respectful communication by identifying and flagging emotionally charged phrases.

Shared Calendars and Scheduling

Scheduling management is pivotal in co-parenting, and both Talking Parents and Our Family Wizard provide easy-to-use shared calendar and scheduling features to manage custody schedules. These apps provide customizable options to suit individual needs, making it easy to keep track of appointments, school events, and other important dates.

Shared calendars can be important in resolving conflicts between co-parents. A centralized platform for managing parenting time can help prevent misunderstandings and encourage cooperation. With both Talking Parents and Our Family Wizard offering these features, staying organized and maintaining a sense of harmony becomes much easier.

Secure Storage for Medical History and Insurance Information

Our Family Wizard provides a section called “Info Bank” for secure storage of medical histories, insurance information, emergency contacts, school schedules, photos, files and more.

Talking Parents calls their organization system for similar information the “Info Library”. Storing emergency contacts, medical information, allergies and dietary restriction, shoe and clothing sizes, and daycare contact information are suggested uses of the Info Library.

Expense Tracking and Management

One of the most contentious aspects of co-parenting can be managing shared parenting expenses, including medical expenses. Talking Parents and Our Family Wizard have developed features to help co-parents track and manage expenses more efficiently.

Our Family Wizard offers receipt storage, payment history, and reimbursement requests through OFWpay. Payments can be scheduled to be sent automatically through OFWpay.

“Accountable Payments” is the system that Talking Parents uses for requesting and sending expense payments between co-parents. Recurring payments are also an option through the Talking Parents app.

Although both apps present distinct methods of expense management, a clear and transparent system can prevent disputes and foster a healthy financial relationship. Choosing an app with features that cater to your specific needs in this area is necessary.

Pricing and Plans: Which App Offers Better Value?

In addition to features, pricing and subscription plans play a significant role in determining the best co-parenting app for you. Here are some examples of pricing for different co-parenting apps:

  1. Talking Parents offers plans ranging from free to $24.99 per month.

  2. Our Family Wizard offers plans ranging from $12.50 per month to $18 per month.

  3. Other co-parenting apps in the market have varied pricing structures.

In determining which app provides better value, consider the balance between the features, benefits and cost. Although pricing might heavily impact your decision, finding an app that fulfills your co-parenting needs and delivers an optimal experience is essential.

User Experience and Interface

The user experience and interface of a co-parenting app can impact how effectively you achieve the best co parenting communication and collaborate with your co-parent. Both Talking Parents and Our Family Wizard have received positive feedback regarding their ease of use and navigation.

Choosing the right co-parenting app should include evaluating the interface’s ease of use. A well-designed app can streamline communication and assist with a positive co-parenting relationship.

Unique Features: What Sets Them Apart?

While many co-parenting apps share similar features, some unique aspects set Talking Parents and Our Family Wizard apart from each other and other apps in the market. Talking Parents offers a video call recorder as a premium feature to provide documentation in the event of a hostile parent or other unexpected events that need documentation. Our Family Wizard, on the other hand, distinguishes itself by offering third-party access to the messaging platform, so that parents can give access to their attorney or to a Guardian ad Litem on their case to view the messages that are exchanged.

These unique features accommodate varying co-parenting needs and preferences. Understanding the distinguishing factors of each app will enable you to make a better decision about which app best suits your co-parenting circumstances.

Legal and court acceptance is another critical factor to consider when choosing a co-parenting app. Talking Parents has been accepted in numerous districts, but it’s recommended to confirm with the court before using it in your case. Our Family Wizard is recognized by the majority of courts across the country as the leading co-parenting app.

In some scenarios, co-parenting apps may be used for court-supervised communication, which will require the selection of a court-approved app. Opting for a legally recognized app guarantees the admittance of your electronically certified pdf records in court, if required, as records simplify legal proceedings.

Customer Support and Resources

Good customer support and resources are essential when using a co-parenting app, as they can help you make the most of the app’s features and troubleshoot any issues that may arise. Talking Parents provides customer support via phone, email, and online messaging. Our Family Wizard offers customer support through phone calls and email.

The level of customer support and resources offered can be a key consideration when selecting a co-parenting app. Reliable support access can ease your co-parenting journey and make it less stressful.

Testimonials and Success Stories

Hearing testimonials and success stories from users of co-parenting apps can provide valuable insight into how these apps impact co-parenting relationships. Talking Parents users have reported a positive impact on their co-parenting relationships, with the app’s features helping to reduce misunderstandings, conflicts, and promote respectful communication. Our Family Wizard users have shared their experiences on numerous parenting forums, specifically complimenting the app’s efficiency in communication and coordination between co-parents.

These testimonials and success stories highlight the potential advantages of using co parenting tools, such as a co-parenting app.

Making the Right Choice for Your Co-Parenting Needs

Selecting the right co-parenting app is a significant decision that can greatly affect your co-parenting experience. Considerations should include:

It’s beneficial to read reviews, compare different apps, and weigh the pros and cons to find the one that meets your specific needs and preferences.

The best co-parenting app for you will depend on your unique circumstances and requirements. Careful evaluation of each app’s features and considering the insights shared in this post can guide you to a decision that will benefit your co-parenting journey.


In conclusion, both Talking Parents and Our Family Wizard offer a range of features to support effective co-parenting. While each app has its unique features, the right choice for your co-parenting needs will depend on your specific requirements and preferences. By carefully considering the features, pricing, user experience, and testimonials of each app, you can make an informed decision and set yourself up for a successful co-parenting experience.

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